LOWaste for action

Segui la community LOWaste for Action su facebook 

Ecco il video con alcuni dei contributi dei partecipanti della community.

E’ stato presentato lo scorso giovedì 6 marzo a Bruxelles, all’interno della Conferenza Internazionale LOWaste, organizzata dal partner di progetto RREUSE.

Qui sotto la diretta streaming della presentazione pubblica dei risultati dei due workshop di co-progettazione (08 febbraio 2014):

Da questo link, è possibile scaricare il report del primo workshop.

Qui invece il link per il report del secondo workshop.


LOWaste for Action is a process of community engagement for the launch of three chains that aims to create sustainable local development starting from the reuse of some specific materials (hospital textile, construction inert and urban furniture).

The goal is to build opportunities for partnership among all stakeholders making up a production chain (the designer, the craftsman, the producer and the distributor) and launching a pilot phase of the reuse district in Ferrara.

Up to now the following results have been reached:

1) open call (closed November 25) with 58 accessions (including 39 engineers/ designers, 11 craftsmen/makers, 1 artist, 1 company, 3 logistics organization, 3 sales networks)

2) community building & online management (over 200 participants: people participating in the co-design and people who give their own contribution sharing ideas, projects and best practices through the activated channel on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/523552881054256 
The two co-design workshops for Lowaste 4 action took place at Wunderkammer in Ferrara on January, 11 and February, 8 2014.

The outcome of the 2 workshops is represented by:

- 6 “cross-cutting projects” which aggregate the efforts of multiple participants, and especially that go in the direction of creating the “conditions of possibility” to start the chains. These projects consider the entire chain or they facilitate the design and the use of secondary raw materials for other stakeholders (such as in the case of semi-finished products).
- 11 sheets of “product projects”, that are initiatives (often individual) more related to the designers present among the participants, but that can intercept mixed competences (and which have to be connected to transversal projects).
- 6 prototypes of reproducts from hospital textile
- 2 preliminary projects for semi-finished products (one for textile and one for aggregates)
- chain diagrams (for textile and aggregates)

The work for the creation of new prototypes of reproducts and transversal projects will continue thanks to the community created by LOWaste for Action also with the objective of preparing the LOWaste Market Place.